Google Legal Summer Institute (US)

Varies - see Dates and Locations tab
First week of the program is hosted by Google on campus in Mountain View, CA, and the rest of the summer will be at a partner law firm. Summer associateship placements are with law firms throughout the US. *NOTE: This is not an in-house internship with Google.
Applications will open April 1, 2025


The application for our 2026 program will be coming soon in April. If you’d like to be notified when it opens, please fill out this form.

The Google Legal Team is proud to host the US Google Legal Summer Institute (LSI)!

LSI aims to improve access to in-house careers at tech companies by expanding opportunities and removing barriers in the legal industry.

The Google Legal Summer Institute is a unique experience where 2L law school students are invited to spend one immersive week on Google’s campus as well as a full summer associateship with one of LSI’s partner law firms.

LSI scholars are students with interests across all legal practice areas. We consider full-time and part-time 2L students who are attending schools in the region of their applied program. Students from all schools are encouraged to apply, including those who: (1) have demonstrated a commitment to equality of opportunity; (2) have faced and overcome adversity; or (3) identify as a first generation legal industry worker.


LSI measures success through four objectives:

  1. Providing scholars with summer associateships at prestigious law firms
  2. Providing early exposure to in-house careers at Google
  3. Sharing information across the corporate sector regarding best practices to develop a legal internship program that expands opportunities and removes barriers in the legal industry
  4. Broadening participation within law firms, especially Google’s outside counsel

LSI scholars will participate in Google’s learning and development culture through a week of dynamic and skill-based learning opportunities to enhance their legal skillset.

Law firm participation

LSI is a paid opportunity and we request that all participating partner firms pay LSI scholars the same weekly rate as their other summer associates for the week at Google and the full summer program with the participating law firm.

There are no specific requirements regarding scholars’ law firm work assignments, however we recommend that assignments provide a good balance of quality and quantity and contain substance and variety.

Office placement location will be at the discretion of the law firm and the student.


The program enables LSI scholars to develop their networking skills by connecting with and investing in a mentor. A Google mentor is a resource, untied to the scholar’s work, who will aid in the scholar’s development by expanding their Googler network, providing legal career advice, sharing insight into outside counsel firms and building an authentic relationship.


The LSI team facilitates candid conversations with top legal leaders throughout their week at Google. Past speakers include Halimah DeLaine Prado, Google General Counsel, and Kent Walker, Google Chief Legal Officer.


LSI scholars and Google Legal Team members are able to pursue interests and participate in the company’s inclusive culture, in which everyone is a direct contributor and encouraged to share ideas and opinions. Scholars, who come from a variety of backgrounds and have an array of unique skills, are encouraged to engage with and learn from Googlers through workshops and social events throughout the week at Google.

Questions? Please email us at


Note regarding final transcripts and application deadline: We recognize final grades and transcripts may not be available before the application deadline. Please apply to the program with the grades you currently have available and then upload your updated transcripts to your Google Drive Folder when they do become available.

To apply, students must:

  • Have US work authorization

  • Be a rising 2L full-time or 3E part-time student, Class of 2027

  • Attend an ABA-approved law school

  • Demonstrate academic excellence

    • Provide undergraduate transcripts
    • Provide law school transcripts
    • Provide resume
  • Complete two essay questions:

    • 1: The Google Legal Summer Institute Program is an opportunity to (i) learn about the in-house counsel role at Google, (ii) explore cutting edge issues at the intersection of tech and the law, and (iii) provide access to a summer associateship in tech-related private practice. In 500 words or less, please tell us how this program will help you achieve your legal career goals.
    • 2: LSI scholars make up the next generation of legal leaders. In 500 words or less, please showcase any examples of your leadership experience, community impact, or commitment to equality of opportunity.
  • Submit one short video: In two minutes or less, create a video telling us why you would be a great fit for The Google Legal Summer Institute. We will be evaluating all your application materials and video on the following criteria:

    • Leadership

    • General Cognitive Ability

    • Commitment to equality of opportunity

    • Googleyness. Here are some of the qualities of a “Googley” person:

      • Ambition and drive
      • Team orientation and collaboration
      • Interpersonal skills
      • Ability to turn ideas into reality
      • Well-roundedness
      • Ability to work effectively in an ambiguous environment
  • Share your practice area preference with us.

Students who identify with a group that is historically underrepresented in the technology industry, including but not limited to Black+, Latinx, and Native American students, students with disabilities, LGBTQ+ students, and veterans are especially encouraged to apply.

NOTE: Applying to this program will not cause conflict with OCI and NALP guidelines. Law Firm reviews will occur during or after the OCI period.

Dates and Locations

2026 Program Dates (subject to change):

  • April 1 2025: Application opens
  • May 30, 2025: Application closes
  • August-September 2025: Law firms begin and complete interviews
  • September 2025: LSI Scholars are selected
  • May 18-22, 2026: LSI Week at Google
  • May 2026: Law firm summer associateships begin
  • July or August 2026: Law firm summer associateships end


LSI begins with a week at Google’s Headquarters in Mountain View, CA. After that, scholars will carry out their summer associateships with their law firms located throughout the US.

NOTE: LSI is not an in-house internship with Google.